Functional Medicine

Personalized, Root-Cause Medicine for Optimal Health

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine offers a personalized, patient-centered approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease. By examining the whole person—not just isolated symptoms—our practitioners promote comprehensive wellness and optimal health. This holistic approach blends conventional medical practices with evidence-based alternative therapies to create individualized treatment plans.

Our practitioners dedicate time to understanding your health history and examining the interplay between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. This thorough approach helps identify the root causes of chronic diseases, fostering long-term health and vitality.

Our Functional Medicine Doctors

  • Dr. Kristijana Rakic, ND Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Dr. Kristijana Rakic ND, Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Dr. K has a special interest in metabolism and weight loss resistance, autoimmune, digestive health, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, hormone health (PCOS, menopause, PMS), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, thyroid health, and brain health.

  • Dr. Ben Snider, Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Dr. Ben Snider ND, Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Dr. Ben has a special interest in care of the mind, body, and spirit, in the fullest sense. His focus is on uncovering causative factors in the mind and body, using nutritional testing, diet therapy, belief repatterining, meditation techniques and a deep respect for the messages of the body.

Book a consult.

Functional Foundations Program

Functional Foundations Program

Get access to the knowledge, tools, resources and support needed to enjoy a healthy happy life!

This personalized lifestyle and nutrition plan educates and empowers individuals with tools and accountability to live their best health.

Dive into eight foundational modules and ask questions on our live weekly calls all year long. The roadmap for long-term health success