Hydrogen Foot Detox

An effective tool for assisting the body in the removal of harmful substances such as heavy metals, and other environmental toxicants, like glyphosate.

The single most effective method for assisting detoxification.

Hydrogen Foot Detox has surpassed intravenous EDTA and glutathione as the single most effective method for assisting detoxification.

Book a discovery call to learn more about how Hydrogen Foot Detox can be used to support your health goals.

How do I know if I need a Hydrogen Foot Detox?

Taking control of your health starts with understanding your body's needs. At FMU, we begin with a comprehensive health history and functional testing to assess your toxic burden, including the presence of heavy metals. Based on these results, your FMU doctor might recommend hydrogen foot detox as an effective chelation treatment.

  • Removes lead, mercury, and glyphosate from your system.

  • Alleviates anxiety and stress conditions.

  • Provides relief for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

  • Improves skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

  • Eases arthritis and chronic pain.

  • Helps with attention deficit disorder and autism spectrum conditions.

Our approach & what to expect.

One of the most pervasive obstacles to realizing the health you deserve is toxicity. We need tools to address this growing problem. After talking with world experts in the field of environmental medicine and detoxification, and collecting years of our own data, we are convinced that this treatment is one of the most under-utilized and eloquent methods of chelation available.  

  • During a hydrogen foot detox session, large concentrations of negative hydrogen ions are released into the water through electrolysis. These ions are absorbed into the body by osmosis through the foot's epidermis. Once in the system, these negatively charged ions act as ultra powerful antioxidants. Negative hydrogen ions work as "free radical hunters," helping to prevent cell and tissue damage that could lead to disease.

    Simultaneously, the hydrogen gas acts as a signalling molecule to increase the production of detoxification chemicals like glutathione and NRF-2. Glutathione helps the body remove harmful metals and other environmental toxins like glyphosate through the kidneys.

  • The color change during the treatment is not due to toxins being released through your feet. It is a chemical reaction occurring between minerals in the water and the array itself. The color change would happen even if your feet weren't in the water. The detoxification we desire happens internally over the next 3 days through your kidneys, bowels, and sweat, peaking at 72 hours.

  • Over the years, this treatment has received a lot of negative press, and rightfully so. For decades, it has been misused and poorly explained by practitioners and laypeople who misunderstood its mechanism and physiology.

    Additionally, a study in 2011 at the naturopathic college in Toronto assessed the efficacy of the treatment. This study looked at heavy metals in water, urine, and hair before and after the treatment and found no statistically significant changes. One patient showed large increases in urine heavy metal excretion, but the other five did not.

    Because of public prejudices and studies like the one above, we understand why this modality has been viewed with skepticism.

    There were important mistakes in the design and methodology of the study above. The two biggest drawbacks were the small sample size (you need to study more people over a longer period) and the timing of the urine measurement.

    Urine toxic metals have been found to elevate 72 hours after the treatment through the kidneys. This has been confirmed by research from one of the world leaders in detoxification, Dr. Dietrich Klinghard, MD. There will never be measurable changes in water or hair post-treatment.

    Additionally, we have collected our own data and found a net decrease in total metals of 30% over the first eight treatments.

  • We have trained two staff members in the proper administration of the hydrogen treatment. It is supervised by your naturopathic doctor, and regular testing will be performed to track your progress.

  • Yes, every patient is required to have an initial appointment with one of our naturopathic doctors before receiving hydrogen foot detox. This ensures that you have been properly screened and are a good candidate for the therapy. Call or email us to schedule an intake:

    (519) 745-1600

  • Both the foot basin and the array receive thorough disinfection between every patient. We also place a single-use plastic bag in the foot basin to ensure proper hygiene.