Ozone Sauna Therapy for detoxification at Functional Medicine Uptown

Experience the most powerful disinfectant.


Relaxing in an ozone sauna session for enhanced energy and detox at Functional Medicine Uptown.

The Ozone Sauna is an old-fashioned steam bath in a technologically advanced chamber that infuses enriched oxygen (Ozone) through the steam and into the body.

Ozone (O3) is an ‘activated’ form of oxygen as it is far more energetic and oxidative than Oxygen. It destroys bacteria, viruses, parasites, amoeba, mold, and fungus, and also breaks down (destroys) harmful chemicals and impurities

Patricia G.

“I experienced improvements physically/emotionally that left me feeling calm and healthier after each session. I felt my lungs clear, better breathing along with increased energy. My digestion improved. I slept better. I felt calmer and refreshed after each session.

After completing 10 sessions I felt my immune system was healthier, stronger, and more energized which gave me the confidence to continue my daily tasks throughout this pandemic.

What stood out about the overall experience was knowing that the effects of ozone sauna and the benefits are cumulative over time. Brooke’s knowledge and experience help you feel comfortable and safe during your session.”

Alicia I.

“I just finished my 10 ozone sauna sessions and am feeling great. I wanted to use the ozone sauna to improve my body’s detox systems. I always struggled to sweat even during exercise but I found these sessions helped open my pores to allow detoxification via the skin. I also wanted to bring down any viral/bacterial load impacting my health.

I found these sessions to be quite relaxing and they seemed to give me great energy. I feel like they helped balance my metabolism as I found intermittent fasting to be much easier during the weeks I was doing the ozone session. Brooke was always very punctual and made sure I had a comfortable and enjoyable time. I actually looked forward to these sessions and would definitely do it again.”

Benefits of Ozone Therapy.

  • Ozone sauna therapy revitalizes your body's cells by increasing oxygen utilization, leading to heightened energy levels and reduced fatigue.

  • By promoting the elimination of toxins through sweat, ozone therapy helps cleanse your system, contributing to improved organ function and overall wellness.

  • Enhanced blood circulation from ozone sauna therapy ensures better delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your tissues, promoting healing and vitality.

  • Ozone's powerful antimicrobial properties help eradicate harmful bacteria and viruses, bolstering your immune defense and overall health.

  • Ozone therapy helps balance your body's pH levels by neutralizing excess acids, fostering a healthier internal environment.

  • Ozone therapy reduces chronic inflammation, alleviating pain and promoting a sense of comfort and well-being.

Make the most of your sessions

Step into the future of wellness with ozone sauna therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that harnesses the power of activated oxygen. This therapy not only detoxifies but also rejuvenates your body, promoting optimal health and vitality.