Gwen Rowbottom

Registered Massage Therapist
Specializing in Cranio-Sacral Therapy

  • Gwen has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 28 years, specializing in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

    With skilled and compassionate hands, she listens to the tissues to find where tensions/restrictions are being held in the body and areas where the flow of fluid is being restricted.

  • Gwen has 130 additional hours of training as a Complex Lymphatic Therapist to work with lymphedema and completed her Advanced Craniosacral Therapy.

    Gwen has experience working as a craniosacral teaching assistant with Upledger Institute. As a Haudenoshaunee therapist, Gwen blends traditional practices with her therapeutic practices to bring a holistic healing experience. She is a Trauma Informed Therapist.

  • • Cranio-Sacral Therapy
    • Somato-Emotional Release
    • Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • To learn more about how Gwen can help you and to inquire about her services, please contact the clinic:

    Phone: (519) 745-1600

    If you are emailing to request a booking, please include your best contact number.