
Functional Testing

When you come to meet with a practitioner at FMU, the root cause of the chief concern is top of their mind. There are many different tools they can use to determine what is driving your headaches, or pain, or digestive concern, but one of the most effective is laboratory functional testing.

We offer a host of different functional tests to give your practitioner the information they need to provide you a truly personalized treatment plan. If you come to us with anxiety for example, how do we know whether this symptom is being driven by a B12 deficiency, or an infection in the gut, or a heavy metal toxicity, or a food intolerance? We test!

Here is a list of the functional tests we may be discussed during your

initial consultation.

GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus)

Research overwhelmingly indicates that gut health impacts overall health. The gut microbiome, in particular, plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors on health, including digestive, immune, metabolic and neuroendocrine functions. Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help practitioners get to the root cause of chronic illness.

The GI-MAP (Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.

In our experience, this microbiome information is central to the majority of cases we work with and often the reason that patients will get stuck in their healing work.

Functional Testing Sample – GI-MAP

Dutch Hormone Test

This advanced hormone testing was developed to improve on available hormone testing options. DUTCH offers the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites. Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included, along with melatonin (6-OHMS), 8-OHdG, and six organic acids. 

This test offers the most comprehensive summary of hormone levels available and is easily collected in the home for shipment.

Functional Testing Female Hormone Sample

Functional Testing Male Hormone Sample

Organic Acid Test

The Organix® Comprehensive Profile is a nutritional test providing insights into organic acids and a view into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Identifying metabolic blocks that can be treated nutritionally allows individual tailoring of interventions that maximize patient responses and lead to improved patient outcomes.

Organic acids are metabolic intermediates that are produced in pathways of central energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, or intestinal microbial activity. Marked accumulation of specific organic acids detected in urine often signals a metabolic inhibition or block. The metabolic block may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up or drug effect. Several of the biomarkers are markers of intestinal bacterial or yeast overgrowth.

The Organix® Comprehensive nutritional test profile provides vital patient information from a single urine specimen. This organic acids nutritional test is valuable for determining:

  • Functional vitamin and mineral status
  • Amino acid insufficiencies like carnitine and NAC
  • Oxidative damage and antioxidant need
  • Phase I & Phase II detoxification capacity
  • Functional B-complex vitamin need
  • Neurotransmitter metabolites
  • Mitochondrial energy production
  • Methylation sufficiency
  • Lipoic acid and CoQ10 status
  • Markers for bacterial and yeast overgrowth

Functional Testing Sample 


Urine Toxin Screen

Heavy metals can disrupt a myriad of different organs and systems and this test is the gold standard for identifying levels of mercury, aluminum, lead, and cadmium.

Urine Elements are traditionally used to evaluate exposure to potentially toxic elements and wasting of nutrient elements. Additionally, the comparison of urine element concentrations before and after administration of a chelator can be used to estimate net retention of potentially toxic elements. Subsequent urine element analyses, also following the administration of a chelator, are useful for monitoring the efficacy of metal detoxification therapy. Results are expressed per 24 hours or creatinine corrected to account for urine dilution effects.

The test can be used to look for root cause information regarding:

  • Toxic Element Exposure
  • Alopecia
  • Bone Density
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Depression
  • Dermatitis or Poor Wound Healing
  • Detoxification Therapy
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms
  • Hypertension
  • Immune Function
  • Impaired Glucose Tolerance
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Parkinson’s-like Symptoms

Functional Testing Sample

IgG Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity is not a disease but may play a role in causing disease or worsening certain symptoms. Symptoms associated with food sensitivities develop slowly over time and can create inflammation. The RMA FST™ IgG Food Sensitivity Test can help identify potential food sensitivities and take the guesswork out of your diet.

There is a growing body of evidence to support the clinical benefits of eliminating IgG reactive foods from the diet.

In an IgG reaction, the IgG antibodies bind to food antigens creating antibody-antigen complexes. These complexes are normally removed by immune system cells called macrophages. However, if complexes are present in large numbers and the reactive food is still being consumed, the macrophages can’t remove them quickly enough. The food antigen-antibody complexes accumulate and can be deposited in body tissues. Once in tissues, these complexes can trigger inflammation, which may be responsible for a wide variety of symptoms.

Sample Functional Testing

Our Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. K has a special interest in metabolism and weight loss resistance, autoimmune, digestive health, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, hormone health (PCOS, menopause, PMS), cardiovascular disease, diabetes, thyroid health, and brain health.

Dr. Ben has a special interest in care of the mind, body, and spirit, in the fullest sense. His focus is on uncovering causative factors in the mind and body, using nutritional testing, diet therapy, belief repatterining, meditation techniques and a deep respect for the messages of the body.

Dr. Jen Forristal is not only a Naturopathic Doctor but also a school wellness specialist.  She is regularly seen in the media as a wellness expert and works both in private practice and in hospital settings providing family medicine for her community. 

Dr. Rogers’ connection with her patients is strong. She is considered to be a modern-day seer and
traditional healer and employs all types of approaches to help those on their journey. She enjoys educating
and giving her patients the tools they need to heal themselves.

She has found that when root cause of
disease is discovered it can be life changing. She is known for being empathetic, caring and positive.
Tina’s areas of focus in naturopathic medicine are gut and hormone health. 

Dr. Behr, ND is passionate about preventative medicine and educating patients on how they can optimize their health. She is a firm believer in treating the whole person (mind, body, soul) and finding the root cause of their issue. Dr. Behr uses evidence-based practices to support her patients and strives to provide a space where patients feel empowered to reach their health goals. 

Dr. Behr has a special interest in skin, digestive health, weight management, women’s health, stress management, osteoarthritis, and pain management. 

Aaron Samanta

Dr. Aaron’s goal is to help his clients prevent/treat disease and optimize health.

He brings an authentic compassionate approach to health, using integrative medicine and lifestyle therapeutics.

His academic experience includes a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Fitness Trainer/testing, and post-graduate studies in Naturopathic Medicine.

Functional Foundations Program

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Functional Medicine Uptown

109 Erb St. W

Waterloo, ON



Monday - Thursday: 9:00-6:00PM

Friday: 9:00-4:30PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed