
Welcome to the FMU Community Space

Here you will find a variety of programs, classes, and educational series to support a fit body, a calm mind and a wealth of knowledge and tools to support your health goals.

MOVEMENT: Enjoy a variety of movement classes aimed at building strength, improving mobility, and getting you back into your body. Movement is an essential part of any balanced lifestyle. The key is to find a practice that you enjoy.

Shake It Up With Liliana

The best of Zumba with a unique flair! Have some serious fun at this high-energy dance party! This dance-based cardio class incorporates various medium- and low-impact aerobic dance moves to high-energy beats. It promises to have your heart pounding, muscles burning, and a smile on your face as you have more fun than you ever thought you could while working out!

Dynamic Flow Yoga

Move throughout this dynamic class from one posture to another following your breath guided by safe movements, aiming to increase mind and body connection, giving yourself the opportunity to recharge and feel empowered.

Tai-Chi & QiGong

This class is for people who seek to age gracefully or who want to add an inner strength component to their athletic performance.
We will also practice gentle movements and breathing exercises to calm the mind and energize the body. But we will add movement sequences that help develop more coordination, balance, body skills and train your memory. These include short Tai-Chi forms (Four Directions, Five Elements Tai-Chi, 13 Powers Tai-Chi).

Virtual Functional Yoga

A virtual yoga class with Ashley Keefe!
This is an accessible and fun flow-style class that links postures and movement with breath, with the intention to calm our minds and both stretch and strengthen our bodies.
This class is for anyone and everyone looking to open chronically tight areas of the body, while cultivating strength and resilience in our bodies and minds.

MIND/BODY: With our fast-paced lives, and increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, now more than ever, we need to set time aside to calm our nervous system and reconnect to what matters most in our life. Our Mind/Body series provides practices to down-regulate the nervous system and calm the mind so you can show up and adapt to the everyday challenges life brings.

Sound Bowl Therapy

This non-invasive modality facilitates shifts in our brain wave state by using entrainment, a process which synchronizes and attunes our fluctuating brainwaves with a stable frequency. By using rhythm and frequency, we can encourage our brainwaves to down-shift from our typical beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), potentially reaching theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep state where internal healing can occur).

We combine various instruments that produce introspective sounds and emit therapeutic frequencies. These sounds, frequencies, and the energy of our shared intention can evoke meaningful emotions, memories, and physiological responses. Brain waves slow as these sounds are received, allowing the body to move into more restful and restorative states. In these states, our human system can balance and harmonize the areas that need it the most.

EDUCATION: Knowledge is key.  Our educational series was designed to inspire you and provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to continue to support optimal health and longevity.  New classes and topics are covered each month.

Metabolism Masterclass

Join Dr. K Live To Learn About The Three Overlooked Causes of Weight Loss Resistance.

She will share her 3-step proven method to releasing weight without exercise & cooking all day.

Beyond the scale wins to expect:

  • Increased energy
  • Better mood and sleep quality
  • Mental clarity
  • Feel less stressed
  • Revived libido


Leave feeling empowered and with the knowledge o achieve your 2023 goals.


Healthy Skin Masterclass

Healthy skin starts from the inside out.

In this masterclass, you will learn how gut health, liver detoxification, hormones and oxidative stress impact the health of our skin.

We will be exploring lifestyle, nutrition and skin health strategies to prevent early aging, protect your skin from sun-damage and oxidative stress and repair damaged, loose or aging skin naturally.

Heart Math Event

“HeartMath meditation is a heart-focused breathing meditation that can help you quickly change from feeling stressed to feeling calm. Science-based and used worldwide, HeartMath meditation uses breathing techniques to bring about coherence — the alignment of your physical, mental and emotional systems to work in sync.”

Brain and heart coherence can be defined as a state in which the brain and heart work together efficiently. This occurs when the heart’s electrical activity syncs with the brainwaves.

Using specific breathing and emotional regulation techniques, a regular HeartMath practice enhances physical and mental benefits. The HeartMath technique is easy to practice, anywhere. While the beneficial effects of this breathing practice can start after just three minutes of practice and last for four to six hours, consistent practice will provide even more benefits.