
Michael Milosiewicz, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

About Michael Milosiewicz, RMT

Playing high level soccer from a young age, participating in adventure races in Vancouver and competing for Canada in the K1 Kickboxing for the World Championships in Italy, there has always been interest in pushing Milo to the limits and exploring new ways of movement.

With his background in functional movement training and experiences in high level competition, he has an in-depth understanding of the aches and pains that affect the human body. Milo uses an assortment of techniques to provide active-release therapy, deep myofascial stretching and biomechanical reprogramming

Areas of Interest

Michael is passionate about the health of musculoskeletal conditions, headaches/migraines and chronic/inflammatory pain.


Milo was a professional training coach in Vancouver at Innovative Fitness focusing on functional movement patterns and rehabilitative sequencing (through FMS systems). Returning to Ontario to be with his family, he decided to go back to school to further his education of the human body and graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy in Cambridge.

Additionally he has completed his acupuncture training with McMaster University. He uses electrical stimulation and IMS to promote the health of musculoskeletal conditions, headaches/migraines and chronic/inflammatory pain.

Connect with Michael Milosiewicz, RMT
Michael Milosiewicz, RMT

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Functional Medicine Uptown

109 Erb St. W

Waterloo, ON



Monday - Thursday: 9:00-6:00PM

Friday: 9:00-4:30PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed