
Begin Your Healing Journey

Explore our full-service treatment menu.

Functional Medicine

Meet with one of our Functional Medicine Practitioners to treat chronic symptoms and optimize overall health by addressing the root causes of disease.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine starts with supporting the body in its amazing ability to heal itself. By looking at the root causes of illness rather than just the symptoms, and promoting healing through natural therapies.

Functional Testing

Some of the functional tests available at FMU are the hormonal panel, thyroid panel, microbiome stool analysis, food sensitivities, leaky gut, adrenal health and many more to help us dive into the root cause of your concerns.

Energy Healing

Promote deep healing through the adjustment of energy frequencies in the physical body. From craniosacral therapy to reiki, release stress and tension.

Bodyworks & Massage

Decrease stress, relieve tension or simply relax with targeted bodywork treatments and full-body massages, all personalized to support your needs.

Health & Nutrition Coaching

Meet with a certified holistic health coach to get to the root cause of your health issues and develop a customized plan.

IV Nutrient Therapy

Fuel yourself with high doses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and plant-based medicines directly into the blood to provide rapid, effective relief of symptoms.

Foot Detox

In a world full of endless forms of pollution, it’s important to reduce toxins that collect and build up in your cells over time.

Ozone Sauna Therapy

Ozone Sauna Therapy ensures that the body is sufficiently supplied with oxygen, while also cleansing and removing harmful toxins, without side effects.

Lifestyle Coaching

We offer personalized coaching to help you create a deeply authentic, fulfilling and meaningful life. Sometimes all we are missing is support and accountability.

Craniosacral Therapy

Light touch treatment used to reset the flow of the craniosacral rhythm in the body, helping to relieve pain and emotional stress and increasing resilience.


Enjoy a non-invasive therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework.

Natural Skin Services

We offer holistic and advanced skin care treatments that focus on actively targeting your skin care needs without damage. 

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p: (519) 745.1600


Visit Us

Functional Medicine Uptown

109 Erb St. W

Waterloo, ON



Monday - Thursday: 9:00-6:00PM

Friday: 9:00-4:30PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed