
Lifestyle & Nutrition Coaching

Our certified coaches are your partners in healing; they provide expert advice, motivation and accountability to help you create impactful shifts to transform your health.

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional nutrition aims at addressing the imbalances in the body by restoring function of major organs through food, lifestyle and supplements

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is a complete mind, body and spirit approach to wellness.

It is based on the understanding that nutrition (food, and how we digest and assimilate nutrients) is the foundation of our health, and the path to achieving our ultimate wellness

Our Coaching Team

Health Coach Michelle

Michelle Jerrett is a Functional Medicine Health Coach. 

Gloria is our lifestyle coach here at FMU, and also the Metabolic Reset program director. She is a certified IFM Health Coach, certified Can Fit PRO

Functional Foundations Program

Get access to the knowledge, tools, resources and support needed to enjoy a healthy happy life!

This personalized lifestyle and nutrition plan educates and empowers individuals with tools and accountability to live their best health.

Dive into eight foundational modules and ask questions on our live weekly calls all year long. The roadmap for long-term health success.

Let's stay healthy & connected.

Join our community below and stay up to date on promotions, workshops, case studies, special events, wellness tips and so much more.

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Contact us

p: (519) 745.1600


Visit Us

Functional Medicine Uptown

109 Erb St. W

Waterloo, ON



Monday - Thursday: 9:00-6:00PM

Friday: 9:00-4:30PM

Saturday & Sunday: Closed